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高養份美白面膜 Whitening Mask

  • 保濕 · 美白 · 鎮靜舒緩


    含天然礦物成分及維他命A、E, 能提升肌膚亮度及改善油脂分泌,可滋潤乾燥肌膚,降低刺激感及痕癢等問題。同時擁有強大的保濕和美白功效,能將水分留在角質層達至最佳保濕效果,使肌膚保持柔軟及彈性,同時提升肌膚亮度,令肌膚保持年輕活力。






    With natural ingredients, it contains vitamins A and E to neutralise dry skin. Acts as a whitening, leaves moisture on the surface of the skin, to create a moistening effect to keep the skin elastic.


    50g Made In Italy

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