美白補水精華素 Prefect Whitening Serum
保濕 · 美白 · 抗氧化
保濕效果極佳,可將水分留在角質層,協助溶解污垢,含維他命A,E,對角質受損之肌膚能加以滋潤,令肌膚柔潤及可補充皮膚天然皮脂,有效阻隔 UVB,加強皮膚的保濕能力及防禦力。同時能抗氧化,活化及更新細胞,平滑角質層,刺激膠原增生,減少油脂分泌,暢通毛孔及減少黑色素。
Has an excellent moisturizing effect, which hydrates the skin. Contains vitamins A and E to strengthen the skins hydrating abilities and defend from water loss. To moisten damaged skin. Helps block against UVB to minimize the aging effect and increases cell regeneration. Smoothens and removes dead skin while promoting collagen generation. Reduces grease secretion on the surface of the skin to help clear the pores and reduce dark pigments on the skin.
30ml Made In Italy