修護晚霜 Nourishing Night Cream
美白 · 抗敏 · 促進細胞再生
含膠原蛋白,彈性蛋白,橄欖油,野生大豆,小麥胚芽油,蝸牛濾液精華 (Snail Secretion Filtrate) 等天然成份。
Improves sensitive and anti-inflammatory skin. Most suitable when dead skin has fallen off when the skin is at its most vulnerable to allow the skin to recover to its original state. Helps the skin to be more elastic and bouncy. Increases skin cell regeneration and reduces skin wrinkles and scar effects. Increase the skins shininess and whitening and contains Vitamin E. Improves dry skin and flaky skin. Reduces aging freckles and helps the dead skin to fall off. Helps damaged skin to recover and improve pigment dispersion on the skin.
50g Made In Italy